
What Code Was Used when Nisho Maru Oil Tanker Broke Blockade of the Royal Navy?

The Nissho Maru Incident (日章丸事件) (Wikipedia) was a 1953 incident in which the Japanese oil tanker Nissho Maru broke an embargo on Iranian oil posed by Britain. The mission required utmost secrecy, and coded messages played a role.

When in 1951 Iran nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), which had been drawing off most of the profits from oil business in Iran, Britain imposed economic sanctions on Iran and, in July 1952, the Royal Navy seized the Italian tanker Rose Mary, claiming that its oil was stolen property. However, seeing that the nationalization was being accepted internationally (『ペルシャ湾上の日章丸』p.53-54, 61, 148-149, etc.), the Japanese petroleum firm Idemitsu Kosan acted quickly to purchase the Iranian oil before other companies in the world still dared not challenge the British blockade.
The Nissho Maru set sail on 23 March 1953, purportedly for Saudi Arabia. When cruising in the Indian Ocean, a radio message from the home office revealed the real purpose of the voyage was to receive petroleum at Abadan, Iran. The sealed packet entrusted with the captain contained a message to the crew from the president of the firm, declaring his resolution to have a direct access to the oil resources without interference from the monopolozing major oil companies (ibid. p.152-155). After this, the Nissho Maru kept radio silence until 30 April, when it came back as far as the East China Sea. The Nissho Maru received a hero's welcome when she safely arrived at Kawasaki, Japan, on 9 May 1953 (ibid. p.172). No less welcome awaited her on her second, no longer secret, visit to Abadan in June (ibid. p.211-217).

Where does code come in?
The crucial message revealing the real destiation as Abadan is said to have been a coded message (NIKKEIリスキリング). The conclusion of a contract with Iran had been reported in code (『ペルシャ湾上の日章丸』p.138). When the Nissho Maru was returning to Japan, the home office sent a coded message to tell her to lower speed so as to arrive at noon on Saturday, 9 May 1953, because then even if AIOC requested seizure of cargo, a provisional disposition of the court would not be issued at least until Monday.
A businessman, Takeshi Hotoku (宝徳健), notes on his blog that it was his mother who actually operated sending of the coded messages. It appears the coded messages are preserved in Idemitsu Kosan.

I have not found detailed description of the code.
The reporting of the contract may have been sent by telegram. Telegrams were commonly sent by using a codebook. It was also common for businesses to use their proprietary codebooks. Radio messages to/from ships at sea were commonly sent by Morse code until about 1978 (Idemitsu Tanker). The radio messages to/from the Nissho Maru could have been encrypted with some special codebook or cipher.

I first learned of this episode in relation to a best selling novel, A Man Called Pirate (海賊と呼ばれた男) by Naoki Hyakuta (百田尚樹) (Wikipedia). Although his writing tends to have many historical inaccuracies, his description about coded messages in the novel may be of some interest. (The names in the novel are pseudonyms.)

『海賊とよばれた男』下 より



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