
Another Specimen of a Vatican Cipher with Ambiguous Reading Frames (1551)

I found another specimen of a cipher with ambiguous reading frames when Googling without purpose. J. Lestocquoy (1966), Correspondance des nonces en France: Dandino, Della Torre et Trivultio (1546-1551) (Google), p.43, presents a reconstruction of a cipher of papal nuncio Montemerlo in his correspondence with the Farneses in 1551. It represents letters with one or two digits: 0(-) 1(L) 2(N) 3(O) 4(A) 5(U/V) 6(I) 7(M) 8(B) 9(H) 17(D) 18(Q) 19(P) 21(T) 27(Z) 28(F) 29(C) 71(G) 72(E) 82(S) 87(R) and provides for some names (the pope, the emperor, the king, V.Exc.=Octave Farnese, ...). The author points out the ambiguity of reading frames with an example 387213=3(O)87(R)21(T)3(O) or 3(O)8(B)72(E)1(L)3(O). This cipher is somewhat similar to "Cifra con mons. Aurelio" and "Cifra con mons. Arnoldo di Maguntia" in Meister (1906), p.183, 184. See also "Variable-Length Symbols in Italian Numerical Ciphers" for similar ciphers.

Lestocquoy (1966) also presents a reconstruction of a cipher used by Dandino in 1546. It is a polyphonic cipher printed in Meister (1906), p.177. See "Polyphonic Substitution in Italian Numerical Ciphers" for examples of Vatican polyphonic ciphers.



(The following is my experience of being locked out of my own blog, and has nothing to do with cryptography.)





ところがそのメールアドレスに「重大なセキュリティ通知」というタイトルで「ログインをブロックしました」というメールが届いていた。gmailにはログインできないものの、gmailで転送設定をしてあったようだ。 そのメールいわく、
「あなたのパスワードを使ってアカウントにログインしようとした人がいます。Google でブロックしましたが、アクティビティをご確認ください。」






Polyphonic Challenge Part 2

Now I see polyphonic ciphers do not pose a serious problem to codebreaking. Part 2 of my "Polyphonic Challenge" has been released at MTC3 (Part 1 was reported here), and three people already solved it.
Part 1 and Part 2 have different characteristics. While the digits of Part 1 tend to represent two letters of similar frequencies, the digits of Part 2 tend to represent one high-frequency letter and one low-frequency letter. I think Part 2 is easier. Although frequencies of digits are somewhat flattened, considering a reduced alphabet consisting of only high-frequency letters may reveal some portions of the plaintext. (Anyway, I have not done it myself, and I hope someone will demonstrate solution of a ciphertext in a polyphonic substitution cipher.)


Spanish Codebreaker: Luis Valle de la Cerda

I uploaded a new article "Spanish Codebreaking under Phillip II", focusing on Luis Valle de la Cerda and mentioning three others.
I planned this article some years ago when I saw Marcos (2014), but had difficulty in reading the Spanish text. Now I have come to know sources in English and French, which allowed finishing this article (helped by much improved machine translation since then).

As a byproduct, I added the following entries in "Unsolved Historical Ciphers":
Venetian Letter in Spanish Archives (ca.1589)
Fragments in Novel Cipher Invented by a Milanese (ca.1599)


Ciphers Broken (and Not Broken) by François Viète

I uploaded a new article "Ciphers Broken by François Viète".
Apart from an overview of well-known facts about the French codebreaker Viète, papers deciphered by Viète in Cinq Cents de Colbert 33 are catalogued and some specific ciphers solved by Viète are identified. There appear to be three ciphertexts left undecifered (unbroken) by Viete, for which I also included a reference in "Unsolved Historical Ciphers".