
Spanish Codebreaker: Luis Valle de la Cerda

I uploaded a new article "Spanish Codebreaking under Phillip II", focusing on Luis Valle de la Cerda and mentioning three others.
I planned this article some years ago when I saw Marcos (2014), but had difficulty in reading the Spanish text. Now I have come to know sources in English and French, which allowed finishing this article (helped by much improved machine translation since then).

As a byproduct, I added the following entries in "Unsolved Historical Ciphers":
Venetian Letter in Spanish Archives (ca.1589)
Fragments in Novel Cipher Invented by a Milanese (ca.1599)


  1. Right after uploading, I found the original manuscript source online. Please be patient for some time until I make updates accordingly.

  2. Now I have made the updates.
    Related changes have been made in
    "French ciphers during the Reign of Henry III of France" (Duke of Anjou's cipher; use of Longlee's cipher in 1590)
    "Spanish Ciphers during the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella" (Cipher (ca.1506) broken by Luis de la Cerda in 1599)
    "Unsolved Historical Ciphers"
