
Ciphers Broken (and Not Broken) by François Viète

I uploaded a new article "Ciphers Broken by François Viète".
Apart from an overview of well-known facts about the French codebreaker Viète, papers deciphered by Viète in Cinq Cents de Colbert 33 are catalogued and some specific ciphers solved by Viète are identified. There appear to be three ciphertexts left undecifered (unbroken) by Viete, for which I also included a reference in "Unsolved Historical Ciphers".


  1. Right after uploading these, I noticed that the third of the three undeciphered ciphertexts can be solved with the key on f.530 and reflected the correction.

  2. George Lasry sent in his solution of the one in f.555 in October 2020. Congratulations!
