
Secret Chinese Codebooks Preserved in US

Secret codebooks of statesmen of the Republic of China are preserved in the Li Zongren (李宗仁) papers (covering 1944-1951) and the V. K. Wellington Koo (Weijun Gu, 顧維鈞) papers (covering 1932-1966) in Columbia University Libraries in New York.
Compared with commercially available standard telegraphic codebooks, not much is known about secret Chinese codebooks. The photos of the secret codebooks on the Libraries' website are invaluable. The photo of a page from the Li Zongren codebook shows it included not only characters but also words. The photo of the Wellington Koo codebook shows a list of proper names with sequential numbers (probably to be combined with page numbers to form numerical code).
I added mention of this in "Chinese Cryptography: 1871-1945" and "中国の暗号:1871-1945".

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