
Will Anyone Decipher Philip II's Secret Letters with the Keys I Found?

I recently uploaded a new article, "Finding the Keys to Philip II's Cipher Letters to Juan de Vargas Mexia" and made related changes in "Spanish Ciphers during the Reign of Philip II" and "Unsolved Historical Ciphers."
I found the keys of four ciphers used in Philip II's letters to Juan de Vargas Mexia, ambassador in Paris, dating from 1577 to 1580 in BnF es.132. This volume is considered to include interesting materials for historians, but the letters in cipher have not been deciphered (at least as of 2012). The keys I found allow reading the letters in the volume, but I cannot do the work myself because I do not know Spanish. I hope people versed in Spanish will find what was written by the King (and Antonio Perez in some cases).


  1. I posted my preliminary reading of one letter (16 December 1577):
    "Reading an Undeciphered Letter of Philip II to Juan de Vargas Mexia (1577)" (Academia.edu)

  2. My preliminary reading in "Reading an Undeciphered Letter of Philip II to Juan de Vargas Mexia (1577)" (Academia.edu) has now been updated thanks to information kindly provided by Demetrio Martín Vilela from Argentina.

  3. I'm now posting these to the DECODE database, for which see another post.
