
The DECODE Database

I was invited to collaborate with the DECODE database. It is a part of the interdisciplinary DECRYPT project. The DECRYPT project aims to develop resources and computer-aided tools for decoding of historical documents. The tools facilitate transcription and decryption including (but presumably not limited to) cryptanalysis, among others. The DECODE database is a collection of digitized images of ciphertexts and keys along with metadata. Even nonregistered users can search and view metadata.
During the last week, I made my first uploads about cipher letters of Philip II to Juan de Vargas Mexia (which can be found with the search term "BnF_es132"), which are the ones I want to see deciphered the most (see a previous post). Although the status of the records is "decrypted", it merely means the key has been identified. The plaintext is yet to be recovered by using the key.
I have not yet completed the batch, but after these, I hope to upload many others when time allows.

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