
Zodiac Killer's Cipher Z340 Broken after 51 Years

Earlier this month (December 2020), Zodiac Killer's Cipher known as Z340 was solved by David Oranchak, Sam Blake, and Jarl Van Eycke. Although I have not paid much attention to this cipher, the puzzle is so well-known that I felt obliged to cover it in a new article in Japanese. (In English, I believe there will be plenty of articles out there.) I also added an entry for this in "Unsolved Historical Ciphers.", which also covers recently solved ciphers. 


1 comment:

  1. My article is basically reporting the content of Oranchak's video in Japanese, but presents one suggestion about the final plaintext. I think "LIFE IS" (which is out of the regular "knight's move" reading pattern) and "DEATH" should be left out of the plaintext, resulting in "I KNOW THAT MY NEW LIFE WILL BE AN EASY ONE IN PARADICE".
    Upon Googling, I find the same idea was suggested as early as 12 December 2020 (Zodiac 340 Cracked) and there are many websites that adopt the above reading.
