
Charles I-Boswell Cipher (1643)

Unsolved letters from Charles I to Boswell (2 November 1643) and Nicholas to Boswell (2 November 1643) are preserved in The National Archives (TNA). I included an entry for these in Unsolved Historical Ciphers.

I obtained a copy of them many years ago, but exact information is not at hand now. (I'm not even sure of the recipient's name. It may be Bosvil, Bothwell, or the like.)
The following is my provisional transcription I made back then. It may include many errors because I was not familiar with reading old handwriting at the time (not that I am now). Asterisk (*) marks where I was particularly unsure.

Charles I to Boswell, 2 November 1643
Sir, Wee have received 873 69 72 65 361 ill 26 102 92 97 45 86
85 17 516 588 134 be* 6_ 132 106 8_ 32 46 100 1643. But never
heard of any 514 516 588 Our 47 86 △ 110 33 17 93 122 中 41 112 m.y^w
291 588 362 21 41 52 49 and 40 15 873 61 116 88 □ 77 70 28
saue* 134 35 86 112 70 in 41 24 53 in 71 374 158 + 150 to 14
64 end 800 y^w Funerals of the Lave*≪→Late?≫ 303 291 40 his 34 44 29 hir &
65 50 60 25 22 16 376 deceased of happy memory 800 851 102 154
made an 1 4 40 30 69 28 3 but 18 10 5 36 now not 78 59 it.
380 he 149 364 29 he same ar 76 24 135 33 289 safe The Difficul
ty of passage in* 34 22 are hash* preiudiced + look*. Our 中 873
□ 40 20 34 58 22 21 45 38 26 40 & 588 82 70 123 124 are
soe 149 146 362 all & 153 93 69 46 27 29 381 able 800 + spe-
cially in this coniuncture of our Affaires, as w*[with?] 20 21 18 10 knowledge
591 749 there 223 high 25 79 4 62 80 49 48 71 70 81 w* 629
you therefore 800 27 28 70 15 sent 62 89 100 prince 97 159 16 2
77 107 an* 84 88 177 on this behalf 800 205 148 151 123
said 中 873 □ & to lett him 835 33 22 100 stand that w 64
83 15 all most 854e 45 62 120 ly 123 138 69 94 96 89 118 his
185 w[with?] in 755 188 539 40 16 61 at 45 83 & 639 in rebat* w 636por
it 5 124 107 all 99 97 1 5 lease* 35 24 61 16 800 134 123 an
112 120 it the 150 14 am 70 6 800 + 800 y^w 640 588 30 70 31 61
110 77 107 10 33 20 28 & 61 62 u 101 107 18 90^ 46 29 70 52
386 106 all 85 110 41 53 107 or 228 Not doubting but God
will shortly enable Us to recompence soe 8 82 100 46 154 & soe
406ous 20 69 591 & 70 88 126 ^w doe as 40 89 100 118 17 103
Our self also of our 58 68 113 our particular & doe take your
addres by 213 800 + in very good part, as also that you haue taken
care to avoyde the dangerousnes of the passage hither. And soe
wishing you a safe returne back 800 62 89 100 △ 中 873 □
to whom w herewith 750 79 122 135 28 70 6* 76 118 105 94
121 53 72 92 49 64 Wee commit you to the Protection of the
Almighty. Given at our court at Oxford the second day of Nobember
in y^w e [N]ineteenth yeare of Our Reigne 1643.


①Nicholas to Boswell, 2 November 1643
Sir, 484 21 86 85 127 131 128 142 800
40 24 23 n 48 44 31 2 35 24 64 pleasure 800
873r 29 59 at 55 38 41 6 65 88 118 all
27 0 88 112 72 56 49[b?] 70[y?] diligence & industry
80[-?] 79[of?] y^w[your?] 37 94 20 26 118 112 588 the 170 &
other 54 96 112 22 746 25 103 800 59 72
98 105 118 123 the 21 62 61 47 110 113 70 52
588 y^w 181 40 15 from y^w 726 82 122 141 18
it 147 150 107 94 123 118 12 153 27 51 100
129 83 138 121 33 22 81 that 125 he 126
374 854 117 62 more 107 41 76 101 14 27
he 50 2 95 62 86 117 for that 53 14 17 he
79 190 understood 35 70 52 129 11 50 62 29
800 145 106 82 94 98* 53 377 109 122 131
44 100 69 79
His Ma^ys two letters herewith sent with
flying Seales are put into yo^r character, because
most safe & ready, your are to decifer & interpret
them. Monsieur 82 48 52 42 40 64 appeares
not here.
(Page 2)
I must entreat yo^r care over the enclosed in
this & another pacqt going herewith, and having
acknowledged the receipt of yo^rs of the 8th 22/12
& 29/19 of October with many thanks, I must
remit you to the not* for more account upon
them, & ever remains

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