When I wrote about cryptic stone monuments the other day, I remembered a series of cryptic books titled Asho (亞書, "Meta-book") by "Alexander Myaskovsky" (アレクサンドル・ミャスコフスキー) that snatched 136 million yen from the National Diet Library of Japan. No less than 78 hardbound volumes, each priced 60000 yen (before consumption tax of 8%), are full of cryptic text consisting of Greek letters and other symbols.
Starting from March 2015, copies were deposited in the National Diet Library, and about 136 million yen for 42 volumes was paid to the publisher (Risuno Shobo, りすの書房) as a compensation (Wikipedia) prescribed in the law.
In October, the books were talked about on the web. The cryptic text might be some ciphertext, but it was pointed out that there were too few repetitions. Some suspected all was a fraud to extort compensation. Right after this, the publisher closed its website on 26 October, and the books were deleted in Amazon.
The manager of the publisher said to The Asahi Shimbun "I typed Greek letters on my PC off hand without any meaning. The volumes themselves are works of art or craftwork." So, it was not a ciphertext after all.
The National Diet Library also contacted the publisher. Finding that few copies were actually sold, they decided to return the books and request a refund.
国立国会図書館収集書誌部「2016年2月2日 『亞書』の返却及び代償金返金請求について」(NDL)
Saki Mizoroki「国会図書館が136万円払った「亞書」騒動を振り返る」(BuzzFeedNews) 6 February 2016
安藤健二「『亞書』解読不能な本を国会図書館が返却、136万円の返金請求へ」(The Huffington Post)
「亞書の謎11 原点に還る」, 30 October 2015
中澤星児「謎の書物「亞書」を追っていたらとんでもない結末になったでござる / このまま都市伝説化しそうなレベル」, 26 October 2015
「「亞書」制作者がコメントを発表 国立国会図書館の対応に不満」
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